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Reports & Payroll

Info on the various reports and payroll functions in our system. (Audit Trail/History, Custom Exports, Timesheets, etc.)
3 articles

Hour Totals

The General Layout Purpose: Gives you sum totals for every hour type and bank, either by person, or for the dept. as a whole. You have several ways to filter/use this report... filter by job type filter by group span specific date ranges compare totals to previous years ...


Payroll Report This report gives you a detailed view of the hours each person worked, used, or was otherwise scheduled for during a specified period. View larger version Person Hours Report If you click over to to the "Person Hours Report" at the top of this page, you will instead be...

Daylight Saving Time

Follow the below steps to control how your site accounts for Daylight Saving Time. Admin Tab -> Site Settings (located in the "Options" category/section of the sidebar) One of the final settings on the Site Settings page is labeled "Account for Daylight Saving Time". This is a checkbox that allows...