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Lockout Periods

While you are creating future schedules, you may not want non-admins to see those schedules. To do this, there is a feature call "Lockout Periods" that we can utilize.

This feature allows you to block non-admin users (including non-admin supervisors) from viewing those calendar periods in question. These lockouts can be manually "unlocked" by an Admin once the time arrives, or you can specify a specify date and time for them to lock and unlock automatically.

To begin, go here (Admin Tab -> Employees -> Lockout Periods)
The page you arrive at will list existing Lockout Periods for the upcoming Calendar Period. You can view and set-up Lockout Periods for other Periods by selecting the relevant Calendar Period from the dropdown menu in the top-right of the page.

Notice that the button for adding a new Lockout Period is based on which Calendar Period you currently have selected in that previously mentioned dropdown menu.

Let's lockout non-admin users for the July 2019 Calendar Period. To do so,...

  • Make sure "July 2019" is selected from the dropdown menu
  • Click the blue "+ Add lockout period for July 2019 shifts"
There should be a picture here!
View larger version


The page you arrive at will ask you to specify the date & time that this lockout should "lock" & "unlock".

You'll see in the picture above that I set this Lockout to automatically lock the July 2019 schedule at 12:00am on 6/01/19, and then automatically unlock at 12:00am 06/24/19. I'll click "Create" to save this Lockout Period.

That's it! You'll see that Lockout Period listed in July 2019 now. You can always Edit or Remove these lockouts at any time.

If you want to manually unlock July 2019 schedules before 12:00am 06/24/19, just remove the Lockout period and they will immediately unlock.

You can add additional lockout periods for July 2019 if, perhaps, your first lockout period was only for part of July, not all of it.
Now, when non-admin users try to access a July 2019 schedule between 12:00am 06/01/19 - 12:00am 06/24/19, they will see the following message...

There should be a picture here!
View larger version

The yellowish lockout warning at the top of that schedule will appear on ALL schedules, that way everyone is aware of any upcoming lockout(s).