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Employee Status

As time goes on, you'll likely need to retire/deactivate employees on your Scheduler site. You also may need to simply hide certain users from appearing on schedules. These can both be accomplished by setting a user's "Status" in their profile.

To begin, go here (Admin Tab -> Employees -> Employees)

Getting Our Bearings

Click "Edit" next to the employee in question. This allows us to view and change their profile.

Near the start of the profile, you should see a "Status" dropdown, this is where we assign a user as Active, Hidden, or Inactive.
There should be a GIF here!
View larger version

  • Most users in the system will have an "Active" status. They will appear on schedules, reports, etc. as expected.

  • "Hidden" users will be able to log in & can potentially be made a supervisor, but they will not show up on any schedules or reports.
  • They will be also still be selectable to receive Message Blasts
  • Any changes they make to someone's schedule are still "fingerprinted" for accountability purposes.

  • If someone has retired, quit, or otherwise left the department, and is no longer an active employee, you can set them to "Inactive".
  • When you select the "Inactive" status, an additional field will appear called "Date deactivated". You must specify a Deactivation Date for inactive users. This can be the current date, a future date, or even a past date.

    If you select a future date, this user will still be considered "active" until that date arrives, at which point they will automatically be deactivated.

    Once a user reaches their Deactivation Date, they will no longer appear on any schedules or reports, nor will they be able to log in.

    Any and all shifts, time offs, OT's, etc. that they have scheduled on or after their deactivation date will be completely wiped from their schedule from the deactivation date onwards. This occurs as soon as you set a deactivation date for a user and save their profile, even if the deactivation date is in the future.
  • Schedules, reports, & user data prior to their Deactivation Date will still be saved & accessible for record-keeping purposes, and you can access these like normal.
  • NOTE: Restoring a deactivated user to "Active" status will NOT restore their shifts that were removed due to the deactivation, so tread carefully when deactivating users.

Organizing Employees

With three different status options, we'll want each employee to be grouped based on their status. To do this, we break "Inactive" employees into their own group, and highlight "Hidden" employees (because they are still technically active in a sense).
There should be a picture here!
View larger version

A) These are Active users. They have a standard green background, and no special indicators on their row.

B) This is a Hidden user. Note how his row is tinted blue and he has a "Not on Schedule" indicator beneath his email address.

C) These are Inactive users. This field is located at the very bottom of the Employee list, and is collapsed by default. You can expand this section to see inactive users by clicking the "Toggle Visibility" text. Even if a user's deactivation date is in the future, they will appear in this section, along with their deactivation date, like the other inactive users.