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Simplified Staffing Totals

For many departments, the decimals and sometimes abstract "summary numbers" don't provide enough clarity to be useful, and can even be a hindrance if your department has tons of overlapping shifts and variety to its scheduling needs. For this reason, we've created a simplified method of staffing level management, so that manpower management is quick and simple.

Rather than giving super-specific manpower summary numbers, Simplified Staffing Totals rely instead on symbols and colors to tell you what your levels are. This takes the thinking out of it, and provides you yes or no answers to your coverage questions. Am I sufficiently staffed, yes or no?


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To enable Simplified Staffing Totals for your Scheduler site, go here...

  • Admin Tab -> Options -> Site Settings

Once you've opened the "Site Settings" page, the "Simplify Staffing Totals" checkbox will be among the first handful of settings on the page. Checkmark that box, then click the blue "Save" button at the bottom of the page to complete the process.


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Your Schedule is now using Simplified Staffing Totals, check it out by visiting the "Calendar" tab. Keep in mind that even though the summary number has been simplified, the calculations and details are still being run and tracked, and you can still view the hourly breakdown of your staffing levels (with actual numbers) by right-clicking the staffing cell itself on the grid.