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Moving to a New Shift/Group

Swapping groups and schedules will be a 3-step process. (Move person to the new Group, Remove their current rotation, assign a new rotation).  Don't be intimidated by all the text below, it's just very step-by-step instructions in case you need them.

1) Moving them to the new Group - This is quite easy and can be done several ways, but the easiest is doing it right from the calendar.  If you click the little cog/gear icon in the top left of the user's current group, it will bring up the option to "Change Ordering", click that.  All of the names on the entire schedule are now in a drag & drop mode.

You can now drag the person from their current group to their new group.  This is also how you can reorder names within the group itself.

Once you have everyone where you like, scroll back to that cog icon you clicked, and it should now have a blue "Done Ordering" button for you to click.  Click that and all those switches will be saved for this month going forward. 

2)  Remove their current rotation - This is done by using the "Remove Future Assignments" button on the right-click tooltip.  Just right-click the first day you want to remove on their schedule, and click that option in the tooltip (menu) that pops up.  Be sure you remove someone's current schedule before giving them a new permanent shift, otherwise shifts may be double-scheduled.

It will ask you to confirm the removal.  Once you confirm, it will take 5-10 seconds to process all those shifts out, but then you will have a blank slate to work with. 

Just an fyi, their OT's, Special Assignments, time offs, and beats will still be on their schedule, so you won't need to re-enter their vacation days or anything like that.  This just removes their normal working schedule. This is a double-edged sword though, the system will not remove shifts with any of those exceptions on them either, so if someone has a beat on a particular day, removing all shifts will not remove that one, because it has an "exception" tied to it.  You will need to remove those exceptions first, THEN use the "Remove future shifts" option.

3) Adding their new rotation - This is is done by clicking the blue "Add Permanent Shift" button in the top left of the calendar.  It will bring up the form for that.  For this part, I recommend reading through the "Cheat Sheet (Permanent Shifts)".  It will go through every facet of that feature with detailed explanation of each field. 

If they are just working M-F, you will just want to use the "Weekly Pattern (Daily)" rotation option in the dropdown.  Check the days they are working and uncheck the ones they aren't. 

If their rotation is more complicated than that, choose from the dropdown which rotation should be used.  If the rotation you are looking for does not yet exist, you can create a new one, just let me know and I will show you how to do that.

Be sure you set the "start date" where you want this new rotation/schedule to begin as well. 

Once you are done filling out the form, click save, it will take 5-10 seconds to put all those shifts in, and you will be good to go!